Yearend is just around the corner.  Earlier this year I suggested a Council Quarterly Report.  A win-win for Council and the public.  More information more often is always good.  While not a Priority One, please keep it on Council’s goal radar.

Absent a Quarterly Report, please consider issuing a Council Annual Report at each yearend that 1) restates project priorities for the year, and 2) updates the status of each.  The year in review (looking back).  And what is on the horizon (looking ahead).  City staff give Council such a report.  Council should give one to the public.  Accountability.  Transparency.  Communication.  Engagement.  Hallmark building blocks for healthy city government and community involvement.  Leadership starts at the top by example.

Quarterly and Annual Reports give Council and staff an opportunity to remind the public what the city is working on, how progress is going, and what work remains ahead for the rest of the year and beyond.  Quarterly and Annual Reports let the community learn (and remember) what we all face together, both successes and challenges.

Yes, the public hears about annual planning and goal setting as each new year unfolds, and along the way.  That is all good.

Yes, the community receives a weekly city bulletin.  That is also good.

Better is summarizing and reminding quarterly and annually the collective “big picture” Council and staff are working on.  It ties it all together.  Council and staff have a lot on their plate.  Some projects move along on schedule, and some lag.  Progress happens that way.  Keep the public abreast and apprised.

Quarterly and Annual Reports can be Executive Summaries.  Not long.  Not drawn-out narratives.  Not tables full of facts and figures.  Quick, concise, bullet-point summaries.  What are we working on?  How is it going?  Are we on budget?  Are we on time?  Do we need revisions?  Short and to the point.  Fifteen minutes on Google show good examples of how other Michigan cities do it.  Best practices abound.  We don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

The private sector reports to its stakeholders on a quarterly and annual basis.  The public sector should do so, too.  Council Quarterly and Annual Reports do that.