In Dec 2023 community leaders launched an effort to develop a Grand Haven Area Community Energy Plan.  That effort is still ongoing.  It is a collaboration among the City of Grand Haven, City of Ferrysburg, Grand Haven Township, the Grand Haven Board of Light and Power, and several businesses and residents.

This link takes you to a website survey that remains open until April 15th for you to share your ideas for an energy plan.  If you haven’t already taken the survey, try to do so and be part of the future planning of our community energy focus.

This link gives background on funding provided to help develop the Community Energy Plan.

Contact Brittany Goode if you have any questions.

This is important to the future of our community for generations to come.  Thanks.  Brent

A Footnote: Community leaders stress this effort is important and hope the community takes the survey and engages in planning for our energy future.

“We absolutely need to hear from the people living here,” said John Kinch, Executive Director of Michigan Energy Options (MEO), the nonprofit contracted to lead the work. “What energy issues are people interested in? Solar? Efficiency? EVs? What energy trends do people want to learn more about, like electrification? What issues are people most concerned about? Resilience? Affordability? Impacts of climate change over the next 10, 20, 30 years?”

“Timing couldn’t be better for the Grand Haven Area to be taking a deep look into its energy usage and to be strategizing future scenarios, Kinch added. Unprecedented federal funding is available for communities to reduce energy usage, adopt more renewables and boost their clean energy transition.”

“With the emphasis on long-term sustainability and wise energy usage, this community energy planning project will help Grand Haven area residents and city staff understand how we use energy now, where we have opportunities to improve, what the possibilities are for new and better technologies, and how we can better invest in our own future. This outreach is critical; only by engaging with our citizens and soliciting their ideas can we expect to make a difference. We are looking forward to the process and the results,” said Mayor Bob Monetza

“As Grand Haven Township Manager, I am excited about the collaborative approach we are taking to envision a resilient local energy future for the Grand Haven Region. This community energy planning marks the beginning of a comprehensive process by engaging residents, businesses, students, and leaders to shape the energy landscape of our region,” said Township Manager Bill Cargo.

“Ferrysburg residents are encouraged to participate and to let your voices be heard in this regional effort,” said Mayor Richard Carlson.